Two new exhibitions open October 3 during First Thursday at The Studios of Key West Exhibitions remain on view Oct 3-28

“Master Slacker: Jack McDonald & The Wonderdog Crew”/ Sanger Gallery 

 “Angels & Insects: Flower Conroy” / Zabar Project Gallery 

[Key West, Fl.] The Studios of Key West gears up for festival season with two new exhibitions opening October 3 from 6-8pm. Stop by 533 Eaton Street during First Thursday to get a first look at “Master Slacker: Jack McDonald & the Wonderdog Crew,” opening in the Sanger Gallery, and “Angels & Insects: Flower Conroy,” opening in the Zabar Lobby Gallery. 

Born and raised in Key West, Jack McDonald grew up behind the scenes at the Red Barn Theatre. His larger-than-life artistic creations pop up all over the island, taking the form of parade floats, theatre sets, festival props and party backdrops. Inspired by street art, for his first solo show McDonald uses spray paint, stencils, and acrylics to create a series of off-the-wall immersive paintings with graffiti-inspired concepts. 

First Thursday is also the opening for “Angels & Insects,” art assemblages and poems by island poet Flower Conroy. Named the 2017 Key West Poet Laureate, Conroy delves deep into themes of love, loss, spirituality, religion, mortality and extinction. Lately, she’s turned her eye toward the visual, and taken inspiration from Cesar A. Cruz’s idea that “art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” In her newest endeavor, Conroy creates art assemblages using plastic toothpicks, broken jewelry, rubber toys, bones and Christmas lights—and of course, language—to convey weighty ideas with humor and camp. 

Leading up to Fantasy Fest, the Wonderdog crew joins in the fun, turning the open space in the Sanger Gallery into a workshop, where glitter, glue, tulle and feathers are transformed into costumes, props and other creative accouterments. 

Full details of the concerts, classes, exhibitions, and classes will also be posted to over the next few weeks. Call 296-0458 for more information.

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