Two landlords arrested after attacking tenants

Two Geiger Key landlords were arrested early Sunday morning after attacking three tenants on the 200 block of Mars Lane.

Richard Paul Schenna, 55, of Stock Island, was charged with three counts burglary with assault or battery.

Heng Yee Chee, 54, of Stock Island, was charged with one count of burglary with assault or battery.

Sgt. David Fernandez and Deputies John Allen Antonio Guieb responded to a residence on the 200 block of Mars Lane where they found a two adult females and a 16-year-old male who stated Schenna and Chee entered their residence without permission and then attacked them while threatening to kill them for not paying the rent. A melee occurred thereafter, which sent one of the female tenants and the 16-year-old male to Lower Keys Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries. Multiple witnesses identified Schenna and Chee as the aggressors.

The suspects, Schenna and Chee, were found at their residence on Miriam Street on Stock Island where they were arrested.

Schenna and Chee were taken to jail.

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