Tuesday – Amendment 4 Leaders, Returning Citizens, Descend on Tallahassee for Legislative Advocacy Day and Press Event

Tallahassee – On Tuesday, March 12 at 11:00 a.m., Florida Rights Restoration Coalition and hundreds of returning citizens from across the state will descend on the State Capitol in Tallahassee for their Advocacy Day 2019 that will begin with a press conference.  Advocacy Day provides an opportunity for returning citizens and directly-impacted people, namely those who effected by the conviction or incarceration of an immediate family member to meet with their lawmakers.

FRRC leaders and returning citizens who were impacted by Amendment 4 began registering to vote on January 8, many for the first time in their lives. The theme of Advocacy Day 2019 is “Our Vote, Our Voice.” Last year, hundreds of returning citizens went to Tallahassee without a voice, but after the passage of Amendment 4, they are able to return this year as citizens who’ve regained their right to vote, and with it, their voice.

What makes this year so special, is that FRRC is coming to the capital not as people who can’t vote but as registered voters. What a difference a year makes! We want people from every county in Florida to join us in Tallahassee. It’ll be a celebration, there will be tears of joy. We’ll be here with constituents that now have a voice,” said Desmond Meade, FRRC’s president who also led last year’s efforts.

Participants include FRRC’s President, Desmond MeadeNeil Volz, FRRC political director, as well as hundreds of FRRC staff and volunteers like Marquis McKenzie, who will be advocating for the rights of formerly incarcerated juveniles across Florida.

Who: Florida Rights Restoration Coalition

What: Returning Citizens Legislative Advocacy Day

Where: State Capitol, 400 Monroe St., 3rd Floor Rotunda, Tallahassee, FL

When: March 12, 2019 11:00 a.m.

To speak with returning citizens from your media market, or FRRC leaders, please contact Heather Cabral, 202.550-68780, or Alex Storer, 814.881.0344, [email protected]

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