Transit Operator Appreciation Day

“For hours on end, our operators provide an essential service that strengthens our community and economy,” reads the proclamation, “by safely and expertly delivering people to their destination by maneuvering an extra-large vehicle through tedious unpredictable traffic and narrow thoroughfares in all weather conditions.”

 The date is significant, because it is believed to be the first day, in 1662, that scheduled coach service was established in Paris. In 2017, Key West Transit provided service for more than 297,000 passengers.

“Transit drivers don’t have an easy job; they just make it look that way,” said Mayor Cates.

In the photo: the Transit Department’s Carolyn Haia and Regina Scott, 2017 Driver of the Year Jean Willy, Deputy Director Rogelio Hernandez, Mayor Craig Cates, and Driver of the Quarter Adrianna Gomez.

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