Transgender day of Remembrance

November 20th is the Transgender day of Remembrance, the annual observance honoring the memory of those whose lives were lost due to anti-transgender violence. 2017 was one of the deadliest years for transgender people and in Florida alone there have been 5 murders of transgender women so far in 2018. All were women of color under the age of 40. The latest, Londonn Moore, was just 20 years old when she was shot and her body dumped in a secluded part of North Port, Florida in September.

Roxanne Ellis on behalf of Equality Florida has once again organized this year’s Key West remembrance ceremony which will take place at The Parish Hall behind St Paul’s Episcopal Church on Duval Street the evening of November 20th, 2018. The memorial will start at 6pm with a showing of the movie “Una Mujer Fantastica” (A Fantastic Woman) a Chilean film from 2017 which won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion straight after and then the reading of the names will commence at 8pm out in the front courtyard of the church.

This event is open to everyone and free to attend although donations will be welcomed to help Equality Florida continue their work to fight for equality and inclusion for our transgender brothers and sisters.

If you have questions concerning this event, want to know more about the work carried out by Equality Florida or simply want to make a donation, please contact Babs Wade at 305 304 5126 or email [email protected].

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