Judge Jefferson B. Browne.


Jefferson B. Browne died at his apartment in Key West. He was born in Key West June 6, 1857. He was educated in Maryland and Virginia and graduated from the University of Iowa Law School. He returned to Key West in 1880 and served as attorney for both Key West and Monroe County. In 1886 he became Postmaster of Key West and remained until 1890 when he ran for the Florida Senate. He served in the Senate until 1893 and was President during the 1891 session. From 1893 to 1897 he was Collector of Customs at Key West. From 1904 to 1907 he was Chairman of the Florida Railroad Commission. He was a member of the Florida Supreme Court from 1916 to 1925 and Chief Justice form 1916 to 1923. From 1925 to his death he was a Circuit Court Judge in Key West and Miami. In 1912 he wrote, “Key West The Old and The New,” the best history of Key West.

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