By Fred C. Klein

orig_blog_4329_0.jpg (629×629)In recent blogs I have proudly featured my grandson, Shawn Atom, and his growth as a guitar playing rock n’ roller.

This blog is an “Equal Time” venture in pride featuring his younger sister, Ruby Ella.

In the run up to Gotham’s recently successful Battle of the Bands, Shawn intended to enter his band, but was stymied be his vocalist quitting.

For a while, it looked like that was that, as he could not find a substitute, but then, the unexpected happened.  Younger sister Ruby stepped up and volunteered to be the vocalist.

To my knowledge, other than being a “Swiftie”, she had no musical or vocal background. Nonetheless, the 15 year old sibling forged ahead and filled the breach.  So much so that she collaborated with her brother on an original song and fronted their “Counterproductive” band on stage at Club Groove in Greenwich Village.   Needless to say, I was doubly proud!

I will always remember her preperformance words: “I’m feeling really nervous, but I’m excited!”

Since then, contrary to its name, the band has competed at The Cutting Room and has other scheduled gigs.

According to their dad, they get better with each performance and who knows where it takes them, but the morale of this story is that Ruby stepped up and dared to be great.

What a jewel!!!

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