The “TIME’S UP” Unity March set for January 21, 2018”

 In celebration of the one year anniversary of the Women’s March, the official Women’s March Florida Keys is sending a bus full of activists to Miami for a day of action on January 21, 2018.

 While the Time’s Up is a new movement and is against sexual harassment, the “TIME’S UP” Unity March in Key West is welcome to all to unify against sexual abuse. While there seems to be too much hate and too much conflict in the world, this march aims to unify.  Whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, a man or woman, let’s unite against sexual abuse. This march would like to bring everyone together and will applaud the differences and focus on uniting as a people.

 After hearing many call for another local event for those who couldn’t make it to Miami and with the assistance and encouragement of other activists, Kathryn Norris and Jamie Mattingly decided “TIME’S UP” and created The TIME’S UP Unity March for residents of Key West and the Florida Keys. Norris says, “After such a year of conflict and after hurricane Irma, we felt it was important for people to come together to show unity.”  They would like to ask if you want to hold up a banner, to focus on what brings us together and not what divides us. Wear black in a show of unity and let’s march against sexual abuse.

 The TIME’s UP Unity March is sympathetic to the people who are unable to attend the Women’s March in Miami or Washington, D.C. and will be gathering in Key West on Duval Street near the Southernmost Beach Cafe between 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m on January 21, 2018.  At 1:00 p.m. they will begin marching down Duval Street to Mallory Square. This is the same route as the 2017 March. With the assistance of Susan Schaal and The Board of Sunset Celebration, the TIME’S UP Unity March was approved for use of the south plaza at Mallory for an activist rally and appreciation party from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.  Norris and Mattingly would like to express their extreme gratitude to the City of Key West for recognizing this important date as stated in the the resolution granted by the City in 2017. Mattingly states, “It is time for us to talk to each other, share experiences over the last year, and to revitalize our spirit so that we are all FIRED UP, READY TO GO FOR 2018!”  For more information on this please contact Kathryn Norris at [email protected] or visit

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