The Studios of Key West Awarded $10,000 Grant from First Horizon Foundation to Expand Schools at The Studios Program

From left: Michael Ross, Director of Exhibitions and Education (The Studios); Jed Dodds, Executive Director (The Studios); Lynn Casamayor (Take Stock in Children, Success Coach/The Studios’ Board); Dwight Hill, Market President of The Florida Keys (First Horizon); Jaqcueline Luhta, Business Development & Commercial Lending Officer (First Horizon).
The Studios of Key West is thrilled to announce it has been awarded a generous grant of $10,000 from the First Horizon Foundation. This funding supports and expands our Schools at The Studios program, to include all three of Key West’s Title 1 elementary schools: Gerald Adams, Horace O’Bryant, and Poinciana. Schools at The Studios brings groups of students to visit The Studios’ galleries, theater and residency program, where they meet with professional artists and then produce their own artwork inspired by these encounters.
Schools at The Studios was launched in 2020 as a partnership with the public charter May Sands Montessori School, and has since expanded to include the Basilica School, the Children’s School and students from Take Stock in Children. It is the anchor program for an array of youth and family offerings at The Studios built on strong community partnerships. Other education partners include: Bravo Theatre, Bahama Village Music Program, The Music Room and more.
First Horizon Foundation’s Grants for Good campaign, in celebration of the bank’s 160th anniversary, awarded $1.6 million to 160 nonprofits making significant impacts in their communities. First Horizon Market President Dwight L. Hill noted he’s particularly proud that four Monroe County nonprofits were selected out of a pool of over 3,000 applicants. “I am gratified that with these grants we were able to support community efforts in key areas of need, affordable housing, education, the environment, and the arts.”
The other Monroe County beneficiaries of the Grant for Good program include: The Guidance Center’s Heron Mental Health Assisted Living Facility; Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys’ affordable housing initiatives; and scholarships program at the Marine Resource Development Foundation (Marine Lab).
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