“The Mid-May Quartet” Gardens Hotel Jazz Happy Hour – Sunday May 15th, 5-7:30

“The Mid-May Quartet”- [a wonderful new hybrid combination of local and mainland players], will provide the inspired, exploratory sounds for  the Gardens Hotel, this Sunday May 15th, from 5:30pm. The jazz happy hours at the Gardens will  be the perfect setting to debut Scott Marischen on jazz harp, with skippo on drums,  Paul Shewchuk on acoustic bass , and (skipper’s compadre from the CRZB’s), Chris Burchard on guitar.   Both Scott & Chris are ardent Pat Metheny/fusion devotees, so expect a lot of fluid, brazilian sounds, along with many other classic jazz tunes. This promises to be a most memorable afternoon of standards, cool pop & funk, & world music explorations, at Kate Miano’s  wondrous Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela st. (at corner of  Simonton). Call 294-2661 for additional details.

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