City Manager Al Childress; Mike Marino, Marino Construction; City Commissioner Billy Wardlow, Lisette Carey, and Jimmy Weekley; Mayor Teri Johnston, Commissioner Clayton Lopez; Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman; County Commissioner Jim Scholl; County Mayor Craig Cates; AH Monroe Executive Director Scott Pridgen; Vestcor’s Alex Hepler; and Richard Toppino of Charley Toppino and Sons.

The Lofts at Bahama Village Breaks Ground

The community joined developers and local dignitaries to celebrate breaking ground for a much-needed and well-anticipated affordable housing project.

The partnership between the City of Key West, The Vestcor Companies, and AH Monroe will provide 98 affordable rental units and a number of affordable home ownership units in the heart of Bahama Village.

“The groundbreaking for The Lofts of Bahama Village housing development culminated a very productive week for the City of Key West,” said Mayor Teri Johnston. “Thanks to the perseverance of many, this public private/partnership is moving forward to provide dignified housing for our community in the next 18 months.”

The project has been called “the 3.2” over the past couple of years because of the acreage. It is the final piece in finishing the plans for the Truman Waterfront, culminating years of work after the Navy excessed the land and transferred it to City ownership.

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