The NRA used to be in favor of responsible gun ownership including background checks. The NRA endorsed the first major federal gun-control law, the National Firearms Act of 1934. Before 1977, it never cited the 2nd Amendment as a reason to prevent responsible gun laws.

Something happened in 1977 when gun-rights hardliners staged a coup against the NRA’s moderate leadership at the annual meeting of the membership in Cincinnati. What emerged was an organization devoted to promoting massive gun purchases, using the 2nd Amendment as the basis to justify opposing legitimate efforts to control gun purchases or assault weapons.

Several questions remain unanswered. Who financed the takeover of the NRA in 1977? Who finances the NRA today? Why are NRA’s radical positions so different from the views expressed by a majority of NRA members? Why does NRA get away with using the 2nd Amendment to support its positions when, clearly, the 2nd Amendment does no such thing?

Answers to these questions will likely destroy the NRA’s pervasive influence in what can only be termed America’s unique gun insanity.

The DUVAL group will continue to fight for (1) 100% background checks and (2) making purchase, sale and possession of assault weapons illegal. We will do whatever we can to help the students who are so bravely showing the way in Key West and across the U.S. We will oppose all NRA-bought CANDIDATES OF DEATH who refuse to support reasonable gun legislation.

(DUVAL was founded in 2006 by a core group of Key West friends interested in civil conversation with no political, religious or social restrictions.)

For more information, contact Randy Becker at …  revrandy@spiritualpersistence. com

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