The Dance Factory Annual Recital

Dance Factory elementary students prepare for their tap dance to “Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now.”

Please join us as we return to the stage at the Tennessee Williams Theater and get “Back on Track” ! We proudly present a mini recital featuring talented young dancers who are thrilled to be performing after the hiatus.  Presented in two acts, Act 1 Family will feature dances choreographed to songs about families.  Act 2 Just Dance with songs that will do just that – make you want to get up and dance too!

We are thrilled to offer these students an opportunity to perform again after too long of a break. This performance is to support our young dancers, therefore admission is free and donations are greatly appreciated.  One performance ONLY at Tennessee Williams Theater on Sunday, May 15th, 5:30. General Seating. Please call Lynly Hill at (305)797-3951 for further questions.

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