The Captain School Key West is offering the following classes!

Six Pak (OUPV) class January 21-29th, Sat/Sun: 9am-5pm.
M-F: 6pm-10pm. Sat/Sun:9am-5pm $850

Masters Upgrade January 31-Feb 2nd (tu-th): 6pm-10pm $350

Sailing and Towing Endorsement / MROP tentatively scheduled for February 6th (times to be announced)

Six Pak (OUPV) class February 18-26th, Sat/Sun: 9am-5pm.
M-F: 6pm-10pm. Sat/Sun:9am-5pm $850

Masters Upgrade February 28-March 2nd(tu-th): 6pm-10pm $350

STCW Basic 95 EVENING Class! March 13-16 (mon-thurs) 4:30pm -10pm $595

Please contact Captain Kim at 305-481-6981

[email protected]

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