Tennessee Williams Museum curator Dennis Beaver will lead the second in a series of curator tours on Sunday, February 2 at the Tennessee Williams Museum located at 513 Truman Avenue.

The Tennessee Williams Museum, located at 513 Truman Avenue, will offer the second in a three-part series of tours led by Museum Curator Dennis Beaver on Sunday, February 2 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm. The tour will focus on the playwright’s controversial death, an event covered extensively by the global media which raised questions as to whether the 71-year-old’s death was suicide, choking, or murder, as was believed by Williams’ brother. This tour will provide the most recent findings as well as archives exhibited in the museum.

The award-winning museum is already a destination for Tennessee Williams enthusiasts and scholars.  It houses an impressive collection of Williams’ memorabilia and literary artifacts that underscore the importance of his legacy and the impact the literary icon made during his long career. Displays include artist Jane Rohrschneider-Carper’s model of the playwright’s Duncan Street home, a place he lived from 1949 to 1983, first edition plays and books, images from the late local photographer Don Pinder, and a new collection of photographs featuring Williams and celebrities of his era, many of whom were featured in his film and theater productions. 

Key West Art & Historical Society honors locals the first Sunday of every month with free admission to the museum and three other properties under its stewardship—the Custom House Museum, Key West Lighthouse & Keeper’s Quarters, and Fort East Martello Museum. The next Tennessee Williams Museum curator tour will be from 2:00pm – 3:00pm on Sunday, March 1, the official kick-off date of the month-long Tennessee Williams Birthday Celebration that features a series of arts and cultural events set to take place at multiple Key West venues.

The Tennessee Williams Museum on 513 Truman Avenue is open for self-guided tours from 9:30am-4:30pm daily. For more information, contact Key West Art & Historical Society at 305-295-6616 or visit WWW.KWAHS.ORG.  Your Museums.  Your Community.  It Takes an Island.

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