Swim-up art classes, Dolphin Therapy, Healing through Music, Paddleboard, Yoga/Meditation and days spent surrounded with Shetland Ponies?

This isn’t a new hotel or girlfriend’s getaway, it’s a women’s only trauma treatment center nestled in picturesque Key Largo which opened after Hurricane Irma.

Similarly, coping with the aftermath of coronavirus will leave many people looking for help to relieve their stress, fear, anxiety. 2020 will be the summer of self-help.  And women are twice as likely to suffer negative consequences following traumatic events.

Dr. Laura Tanzini is an expert in treating trauma – she runs the first women-only residential treatment center in Key Largo called Kinder in the Keys , which specializes in trauma recovery, depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health issues (non-substance abuse).

Her center is nestled in a private, secure and luxurious location where healing can take place.  Business has been booming and she is opening a second center this summer and two more next year.

Traumatic events include physical, psychological and sexual abuse; domestic violence; witnessing violence against others; and accidents and natural disasters. Approximately one half (50 percent) of all individuals will be exposed to at least one traumatic event in their lifetime.

“In addition to trauma from coronavirus, we treat women suffering from breast cancer and other health issues, loss of a loved one, abandonment, rape, molestation, sex trafficking, veterans with PTSD and more,” explains Dr. Laura Tanzini. Our home is like a much-needed retreat for women with the added bonus of professional therapy. Many women enjoy their time so much, they want to come back.  The best part is, the stay is covered by insurance.”

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