Super Bowl Sunday Birdwatching 2018

The Florida Keys Audubon Society will hold a Super Bowl Sunday Bird Walk on Sunday, February 4 beginning at 2 p.m. Participants will meet in the parking lot at Indigenous Park at 1801 White Street.
“We figure everyone will be home or in bars eating nachos and watching pre-game shows, so the parks should be pretty empty. Which makes it a pretty good time to go birdwatching,” said FKAS Executive Director Mark Hedden.
Participants will look for resident and wintering species of birds in the areas immediately adjacent to Indigenous Park, and then car pool to various sites around the city. The group may pause to admire the occasional butterfly.
The walk will be led by Dr. Mark Whiteside and Mark Hedden.
The event is free and open to experienced birders, beginners, and even football fans, as most likely they will be able to get home in time for the kick-off.
For more information email [email protected] or visit
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