Sunset show of the season on May 19th 5-7PM @ Salute

For the last sunset show of the season,  at the wonderful (& non-corporate!) Salute restaurant patio, overlooking exotic Higgs beach, …skippo will be joined (by his CRZBs teammate), the inimitable Rob DiStasi on keyboards & vocals.  Romping thru an array of music from jazz standards to pop, rock, & soul, this duo will provide the soundtrack for that sun dropping down on the horizon. Join us one last Thursday,  till next winter season rolls around @ Salute, tomorrow!  Call 292-1117 for info.

Some upcoming skippomusic events:

MAY~~~~This thurs., 19th @5pm– *(My last Salute of the season!). w/ Rob diStasi.
Fri & Sat. 20&21st- Little Room *(now-later time) 9pm-midnite w/ DENIS HYLAND QUARTET w/ Dom Carelli
Tues. 24th @Virgilio’s , 9pm The CRZBs w/ Rob, Chris Burchard & Bubba- funk, fusion jazz, Brazilian, soul, pop, rock, Methaney-ish originals

Tues 31st, 9:30pm  DRAVE TRIO w/ Michelle Dravis & Yvan Agbo
Sun 29th @Gardens Hotel 5:30-8pm  the CRZBs
Sun. 19th@Gardens Hotel  5:30-8  the Debra Dean Quartet w/ Pat Lawler, Tim McCord
Sun 26th@Gardens *(last Gardens  of the season!) – debut of CLAIREBUOYANT  w/ Claire Caplan, Ben Osborne, & Tim McCord
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