Students encouraged to check out chess club



Chess club is common in many schools because it is an enjoyable place to for students spend their time. It’s a place where they can momentarily let go the day’s pressures for an hour and play competitively against friends.

Key West High School holds its chess club after school on Mondays, hosted by club

sponsor Henry Boza, who is also a Spanish teacher at the school. He explains what the club is about, “The chess club is for kids who enjoy playing chess against their friends and want to learn about chess.”

Boza, who has been the chess club sponsor for around six years, recalls why he started the club in the first place, “I played a lot of chess back then, but now all the kids beat me. [Back] then an idea came to my head: Why not start a chess club?”

According to Boza, there are around eight students in the club currently. “There used to be more, but [because of after-school activities], some couldn’t come anymore,” he notes.

Chess club member Sean Robinson explains why he joined the club, “It’s fun. I enjoy myself there. I play against my friends to see who can get the most wins. All of us enjoy our time there; it’s a great place to forget about school and just play chess.”

Students interested in joining the club can meet on Mondays after school at 3:00 in room

  1. For more information, call the school at 305-293-1549.
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