SSF Survivors Save-the-Date May 28th 41st Annual Survivors Party needs people, prizes

The 41st annual Survivors Party, is set for May 28 from 4 till 8p.m. at La-te-Da, upstairs. Sister Season Fund, Locals Helping Locals, will again host this traditionally fabulous afternoon of food, entertainment, raffles and silent auction.

Volunteers as well as items for the silent auction are very much needed and will be deeply appreciated.

Sister Season Fund is the home-grown charity that provides rent and utilities to locals in the hospitality and entertainment industries when they are temporarily unable to work through no fault of their own. Hurricane Irma depleted our funds so we all the help we can get.  Many people are in need and depend on us on to be there in an emergency.

To be a sponsor, volunteer, donate a silent auction item/gift certificate or a platter or two of food, call Ginger King at 305-849-0991.

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