Shoe drive 2017

My name is Kelli Houze.  I’m a bartender at Pepes Cafe on Caroline St.  I’d like to share my daughters story.  Her name is Georgia.  She does something special each year for her birthday.
This is her 3rd year running her very own shoe drive.  She donates her collection of shoes to
This is a nonprofit 501c3 that started around hurricane Katrina.  Since then, Soles4Souls has delivered over 30 million pairs to more than 127 different countries in need.
Georgia & I deliver all the shoes (by ourselves) to an international distribution center located in Miami.  We have already made 3 trips with Uhaul trucks since January and don’t plan on quitting until May 12th.
We take ANY and ALL shoes.  Men’s/kids/heels… whatever.  All Lightly used.
This year, she will be 5 years old  on May 12th. She had big dreams of collecting 1,000 pairs by May.  The response has been remarkable!
Our schools, churches, restaurants, offices, radio stations & organizations have all been so involved.
All because of our little island coming together & people believing in her…. this little peanut has collected/counted & boxed……2,641 pairs!!!!! (Happy face).
Drop off locations are:
Pepes Cafe, The VFW (Shriners), VA Hospital, Tattoos & Scars Bar, The Pilates Studio of Key West.
Georgias shoe drive will end on her 5th birthday, May 12th.
Also, we have a mission trip with planned for June to go to villages in Guatemala.  There….we will be visiting orphanages,  Washing children’s feet, sizing & fitting them in new shoes.
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