Thank You Konk Life for publishing this insightful and informative editorial about “Sanctuary Cities”. Before drastic action, we should consider people’s personal circumstances. To base deportation strictly on foreign policy concerns is plain wrong. immigration law violation is a civil issue and not a criminal offense. Our tourist based service industry would take a major hit without our international workforce, who came here to help themselves and us. ICE raids on non-criminal hard working people are unaceptable and our local law enforcement should not take part in such unjust actions. “. Key West and Monroe County both have adopted the “One Human Family” motto. We must not just give lip service but show that we mean it.
Great article on Sanctuary City. I look forward to learning more at the ACLU town hall meeting, so I can make an informed judgment.
Thanks for your informative “Should Key West Be a Sanactuary City”. You provide our citizens well. Keep up with the good work.
Thanks for your informative “Should Key West Be a Sanactuary City”. You provide our citizens well. Keep up with the good work.
Thank You Konk Life for publishing this insightful and informative editorial about “Sanctuary Cities”. Before drastic action, we should consider people’s personal circumstances. To base deportation strictly on foreign policy concerns is plain wrong. immigration law violation is a civil issue and not a criminal offense. Our tourist based service industry would take a major hit without our international workforce, who came here to help themselves and us. ICE raids on non-criminal hard working people are unaceptable and our local law enforcement should not take part in such unjust actions. “. Key West and Monroe County both have adopted the “One Human Family” motto. We must not just give lip service but show that we mean it.