By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman
Dear Short Answers:
I have long expected that my son was gay but I always assumed that he would tell me when he was ready. But recently, I ran into the parents of one of his classmates at the grocery store and they casually mentioned how wonderful it was that MY son is dating THEIR son! Of course I hinted about this news to my son but he pretended not to know what I was talking about. I don’t want to confront him directly and I want him to know that this is all okay but I don’t want him to keep hiding this from me either. Am I doing something wrong as a parent?
Just Want to Help
Dear JWH,
Give him time. Patience, in our experience, yields unexpected bounty.
Dear Short Answers:
As I get older, I feel like I shouldn’t have to be friends with annoying, stupid people any more. But then I think that I’m probably getting too old to make new friends and I should be nice to the ones I have (even if I don’t like them very much). Which alternative do you think is the right one?
Dear GFD:
We are always in favor of making new friends. But old Friends — those you have kept for decades – can never be replaced. There just isn’t time. So discard with care.
Dear Short Answers:
Last year my daughter was a foreign exchange student in Norway so this year, as part of the program, we have taken in a student from Venezuela. She’s a lovely girl and my daughter and her have become great friends. The problem is my husband who I fear has become infatuated with her. He tries to spend as much time with her as possible. Even more time than he spends with his own daughter. I’ve talked to him about this but he claims that he’s only being a good “host parent.” I don’t want to go to the host committee that is sponsoring this exchange because I don’t want them to think that something strange might be going on (which I absolutely don’t think it is). But it’s starting to freak me out and I’m not sure what do to.
Dear Mom:
Tell him he is making you uncomfortable and he is only to spend time with the visiting student when accompanied by your daughter! Mean what you say and make other living arrangements for the girl if he does not agree.
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