Shock Statement: Jim Mooney Denies that Humans are the Leading Cause of Climate Emergency

Clint Barras unveils 4-point plan to address the climate emergency

KEY WEST (Wednesday, September 9) – Clint Barras, Democratic candidate for Florida House District 120, refuted his Republican opponent Jim Mooney’s repeated climate science denials.

  • On December 12, 2019, in Keys Weekly, Mooney said, “Look, the Earth has been going through climate change long before we ever walked on it, and we just happen to be here to witness it.”

  • On August 26, 2020, at the Key West Chamber Candidate Forum (54min:10sec), Republican candidate for House District 120 Jim Mooney said, “blame it on what you may” when talking about climate change.

Statement from Clint Barras:

“The climate emergency is one of the greatest threats facing Floridians, especially here in the Keys and Miami-Dade. When I am elected, I will use the best science available to develop pragmatic solutions to this crisis that protect South Florida’s families and small businesses. But the truth is that you can’t solve a problem without understanding the cause. Jim Mooney has repeatedly denied climate science, claiming our climate emergency is a natural cycle that will just go away by itself. His comments are nothing more than talking points straight from the oil and gas industry and corporate polluters playbook. District 120 can’t afford a candidate who doesn’t accept basic scientific facts. Our state must act on science and act now.”

Additionally, Barras issued the following 4-point plan to address the climate emergency in Florida. It’s a stepping stone and common-sense plan to confront the monumental challenges in the coming months and years.

Clint’s 4 Point Plan to Address the Climate Emergency in Florida

  1. Carbon Emissions and Climate Change Impact Assessment – I support the immediate creation and funding of a scientific, multi-agency, intergovernmental, academic, and community group research panel dedicated to examining the causes and effects of climate change in Florida, with a special focus on impacts to low-income communities and communities of color. This panel aims to help craft a comprehensive response plan with specific policy recommendations as they relate to the climate emergency’s impact on Florida’s people and ecology. All members of this panel will be required to demonstrate that they have not received financial support or campaign contributions from utilities or the fossil fuel industry, such as oil and gas exploration and extraction.

  2. Clean Energy for All – I support setting Florida on track to produce 100% clean, renewable, fossil fuel-free energy by 2050.

  3. Reducing the Amount of Carbon in our Atmosphere – I support finding policy solutions to maximize Florida’s unique natural carbon sequestration capabilities. From replanting and expanding Florida’s native mangroves to managing agricultural land, soil, and forests for carbon sequestration, our state can play a massive role in reducing carbon pollution in our atmosphere. The State of Florida should explore all methods by which our state can become a global leader in natural carbon sequestration methods.

  4. Modernizing the Way People and Goods Move Throughout Florida – I support planning and funding to reduce the amount of traditional fossil fuel-burning internal combustion engine vehicles on Florida’s roads. By increasing local and regional mass transit options and increasing personal electric vehicle usage, Florida can reduce a significant portion of our carbon footprint. I also support upgrading our state growth management plans to ensure healthy, walkable cities with plenty of tree coverage, green spaces, and a fierce dedication to protecting our remaining wetlands, which act as carbon sinks.

Clint Barras is currently a vice-president at a local digital marketing agency. Clint was raised on a farm in central Florida by a single parent and worked full-time to put himself through college and graduate school. He and his wife have called Key West home for twenty-two years and currently live there with their two teenage daughters and two dogs. Clint decided to run for office because he was tired of Tallahassee overlooking the suffering of hard working Floridians and ignoring the science surrounding the climate crisis and sea-level rise.

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