Sheriff’s Office receives bench in memory of Deputy Emil LaVache

Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsay, Sheriff’s Office Farmer Jeanne Selander and Sheriff Executive Assistant Donatella Kelly on Friday accepted delivery of the bench seen pictured here that was made in honor and memory of Deputy Emil LaVache.

Deputy LaVache was a retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel who worked as a full-time deputy for the Sheriff’s Office for 25 years before spending many more years thereafter as a Reserve Deputy. Deputy LaVache was a fixture at the Sheriff’s Office Animal Farm where he greeted every child and visitor.  Deputy LaVache passed away on May 25, 2018. He was 88.

Shortly after Deputy LaVache’s passing, Sheriff Executive Assistant Donatella Kelly contacted the non-profit Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches organization and asked if their residents could make something in honor and memory of Deputy LaVache. It was agreed a bench would be a perfect choice. The bench now sits where Deputy LaVache stood for so many years at the Animal Farm.

“It is fitting that this bench will rest where Deputy Emil LaVache stood without waver for so many years in service to this community,” said Sheriff Rick Ramsay. “I hope visitors to the Animal Farm will take the time to appreciate and remember Deputy LaVache when they see this beautiful bench built in his honor.”

Hundreds and perhaps thousands of Florida Keys residents and visitors alike came to know Deputy LaVache via the multitude ways in which he donated his time to the community. He was active with the Monroe County inmate work program. Countless children throughout the county knew Deputy LaVache from his constant work at the Animal Farm where he served as a tireless and cheerful greeter to all who entered the farm since its inception.

He spearheaded the Neighborhood Crime Watch organization. He also provided daily security checks to the Florida Keys Community College, the Key West Sail & Power Squadron building, St. Mary’s soup kitchen and the Habitat for Humanity housing area in Big Coppitt Key, to name only a few.

Deputy LaVache was often called to local schools where generations of children learned about safety and crime prevention through one of his thousands of presentations. Deputy LaVache had accumulated thousands of community service hours while he worked at the Sheriff’s Office.


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