School District Names Michael Michaud As Student Information System Coordinator

TAVERNIER, Fla. – Monroe County School District officials have chosen Michael Michaud as the new Student Information System Coordinator. The School Board approved Superintendent Mark Porter’s recommendation of Mr. Michaud for the position at the May 23rd School Board Meeting at Coral Shores High School. Before taking on the role of SIS Coordinator, Mr. Michaud was the District’s Security and Safety Coordinator.

Mr. Michaud has worked for more than 20 years within the education system in Florida, with at least 15 years in the Monroe County School District. While Security and Safety Coordinator, he also aided in the District transition from TERMS to Focus, both operations management software used to serve the needs of the District. Focus is an integrated information system used to house internal data accessible to the District’s students, staff, parents, and guardians. This data includes grades, test scores, attendance, and important information related to the educational success of the student. Mr. Michaud worked closely with both Focus and Blackboard Connect to disseminate messages related to emergencies within the District. Officials believe his expert knowledge with the systems will serve as an asset for the District.

He said he is ready to assume this new role, which starts June 15, 2017. “I am looking forward to assisting our schools in utilizing the full capabilities of our new student information system, primarily gaining access to data in order to increase student achievement,” Mr. Michaud said.

As SIS Coordinator, he will serve approximately 8,600 students throughout the upper, middle, lower keys, and Key West.  The accredited school district consists of ten public schools, and six charter schools. For more information about the District and its services, please visit

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