Construction is underway on the College’s Key West Campus for the CFK Academy, a public charter high school run by the College, set to open in August 2023.
School Board approves CFK’s application for STEM charter high school
KEY WEST, FL, July 21, 2022— The Monroe County School Board unanimously approved an application submitted by The College of the Florida Keys (CFK) to open a charter high school at their monthly board meeting on July 19 at Coral Shores High School. The College-operated high school, called the CFK Academy, will be a tuition-free public charter high school. The school will focus on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The complete high school experience will come with additional perks of being part of the College, including the opportunity to earn an associate degree and industry credentials alongside a high school diploma.
The College began constructing a 7,000 square-foot building on its Key West Campus to house the CFK Academy in February. The building is scheduled to be complete in December 2022 and will open its doors to students in grades nine through eleven in the 2023- 2024 school year.
The school’s curriculum will focus on a project-based learning approach through all grades and place emphasis on STEM fields. Additionally, CFK Academy will offer a broad range of connections to local industries and access to scientific and technological fields. The educational program strives to meet the diverse needs of our local community by providing specialized programs and career academies such as: marine science, marine engineering, hospitality, engineering technology, entrepreneurship, culinary, construction, and welding. CFK Academy students will have access to college-level academic and career technical education (CTE) courses and programs through expanded Dual Enrollment (DE) opportunities. DE allows high school students to complete courses that earn both high school and college credits, at no cost to the students or their parents.
The College will begin recruiting personnel for key positions with the CFK Academy in October. Also, CFK will launch a website and social media accounts for the new high school in the next few months. Applications for enrollment in the 2023- 2024 school year will be available in November. The College will continue to share announcements and updates about the CFK Academy with the community.
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