Local residents are being warned about a new scam involving fraudulent letters that falsely claim to be from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. These letters, which appear highly official, claim that a bench warrant has been issued due to a failure to respond to a jury summons.

The scam letters are being sent in priority mail envelopes (with correct return addresses) and falsely list names of real officials, such as Chief United States District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga and Court Administrator and Clerk of Courts Angela E. Noble. They also cite Dennis Ward, the State Attorney of Monroe County, as the sender. The letters use a fictitious case number and refer to a false law regarding fines and jail time for not responding to a jury summons.

The letter threatens recipients with arrest, fines, and jail unless immediate action is taken. However, **this is a scam**. Neither law enforcement agencies nor courts send out such letters especially via priority mail, nor do they threaten immediate arrest or demand payment over the phone. The fraudulent letters contain fake contact numbers such as “305-MIS-JURY” and “888-PAY-JURY,” urging recipients to call for further action.

Key points to recognize this scam:
*Official agencies do not operate this way.
Law enforcement and courts do not send letters demanding immediate action or payment by phone. They also do not use priority mail for such matters.
*The letter includes fake contact numbers.
Do not call the numbers listed in the letter. They are part of the scam.
*Bogus legal references.
The letter cites a fabricated case number and misrepresents legal statutes related to jury summons.
*Spelling and grammar errors

What to do if you receive one of these letters:
1. Do not respond.  Do not call the numbers or visit any websites listed in the letter. Do not scan the bar code.These are set up to trick victims into providing personal information or making payments.
2. Verify the authenticity.
If you have concerns, contact your local court or law enforcement directly using verified contact information from their official websites or public directories.
3. Report the scam. Contact law enforcement or the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida to report the scam. The court does not issue such letters and will confirm that the document is not legitimate.

Remember, courts and law enforcement will never threaten you with arrest over a missed jury summons via mail or phone. All official communications should be verified by contacting the proper authorities directly.

For more information or to report this scam, please contact your local law enforcement or visit the official website of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

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