SAVE THE DATE: NOVEMBER 5TH Bahama Village Truman Waterfront Zoning Meeting / Q&A

As a special part of the regularly scheduled Bahama Village Community Redevelopment Advisory Committee meeting, Mayor Teri Johnston will join the Planning Department to invite the community to provide input on proposed zoning and future land uses for eleven properties that join Bahama Village with the Truman Waterfront Park.

This is an opportunity to discuss how this new zoning can help ensure that all future development in this important location will support the residents and history of Bahama Village. Proposed land uses include workforce housing, revitalization of historic Diesel Plant buildings, neighborhood scale small businesses, and cultural/educational uses, with thoughtful public spaces for open-air markets and community gatherings. Please join us from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

For more information contact the Planning Department, City of Key West, [email protected].

For a copy of the BVRAC agenda please see:


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