Save a Kid’s Life This Summer: Become a Life Jacket Loaner Site
BoatUS Foundation program has more than 550 locations nationwide
ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 25, 2018 – A simple way to save a kid’s life is to ensure they have a life jacket when they go boating, sailing or fishing. But sometimes, it’s not easy to borrow a right-sized life jacket when an infant or young teen comes aboard. Marinas, boat and fishing clubs, waterfront businesses, organizations or other groups that serve boaters can help by becoming a BoatUS Foundation Life Jacket Loaner site.
Becoming a loaner site is easy by applying at There is no cost to set up a loaner site, and there is never a charge to borrow a life jacket.
Approved locations will receive a kit containing 12 child-sized life jackets with sizes from infant to youth, as well as signage and a local publicity kit. The non-profit BoatUS Foundation, funded by donations from the more than half-million members of BoatUS, replenishes the supply of jackets as wear and tear takes its toll.
The only task loaner sites have is to track life jacket usage with an easy clipboard sign-out system and provide the Foundation with periodic feedback to help keep the life jacket supply in good condition.
The program currently has more than 550 life jacket loaner sites across the US that collectively loan out children’s life jackets more than 140,000 times each year. Since 1997, three children’s lives have been saved by a BoatUS Foundation loaner life jacket. To learn more, go to
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