Sand Art Competition Brings Back Fan Favorite Treasure Dig on Friday, Nov. 25

Third Annual International Sand Art Competition Includes Flagler’s Treasure Dig With Great Prizes

KEY WEST, November 14 – Over Thanksgiving weekend, six internationally renowned sand sculptors will be in Key West competing in the third annual International Sand Art Competition. Last year, the sand-sculpting event drew thousands of spectators to witness the live competition unfold.

This free event starts on Wednesday, November 23 and continues throughout the weekend on the beach at the Casa Marina (1500 Reynolds Street.). Visitors can watch the artists sculpt from 9 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily. The sculptures will be lit in the evening starting on Friday, November 25 until 9 p.m.

On Friday, November 25, Flagler’s Treasure Dig, made possible by the Key West Art and Historical Society, will take place at the Casa Marina at 2 p.m. Anyone can purchase raffle tickets for a chance to participate in the Flagler’s Treasure Dig. The dig is named in honor of Henry Flagler, the visionary behind the Florida Overseas Railroad, which became the gateway to the Florida Keys. This year, a new set of lucky festival-goers will get the chance to dig for a slew of prizes including water sport adventures, sunset sails, museum tickets, spa services, gift certificates to restaurants in Key West, and much, much more.

Friday evening, a special showing of the classic movie ‘Casablanca’ will be shown on the beach of Casa Marina. It is free and open to the public. Popcorn and drink service will be available.

On Saturday, the sculptors will put final touches on their sculptures until 12:45 p.m. Judging will take place from 1p.m. until 4 p.m. Visitors will be able to cast their vote for the popular “People’s Choice Award” while enjoying live music performed by local favorite, Miguel Perez & Con Leche. The award ceremony will start at 5 p.m.

Marianne van den Broek, event organizer and owner of Sand-Isle, the professional sand sculpting business in Key West expects this year’s event to be even grander than last year. “High expectations and fierce competition have been the theme of this competition over the past two years. This year will prove to be no different,” promises van den Broek.

The 2016 International Sand Art Competition is sponsored in part by the Monroe County Tourism Development Council. For more information about the 2016 International Sand Art Competition, the six competing sand sculptors, and a full calendar of events, visit or follow International Sand Art Competition on Facebook and Instagram.

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