Sanctuary to hold Restoration Blueprint informational session in Tavernier

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary will hold an informational session on the Restoration Blueprint on October 7, 2019, 6-9 p.m., at the Coral Shores High School auditorium. Written questions and comments will be accepted. The Restoration Blueprint, a draft proposal recommending a range of potential changes to existing boundaries, regulations, and marine zones in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, is available at

NOAA is taking public comment on the proposals through January 31, 2020. Comments may be submitted online at (docket number NOAA-NOS-2019-0094).

WHAT: Restoration Blueprint Informational Session

WHEN: October 7, 2019, 6-9 p.m.

WHERE: Coral Shores High School, 89901 Old Highway, Tavernier, Florida

WHO: NOAA’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Written comments are accepted at informational sessions with oral comments taken at Sanctuary Advisory Council meetings on October 15 in Key West and December 10 in Islamorada, and Coral Gables and Fort Myers public meetings.

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