Roads Adaptation Project Virtual Public Meetings Feb. 17 & 23

MONROE COUNTY, FL – Monroe County will host two public meetings regarding its Countywide Roads Adaptation Project and planning efforts. The meetings will be held on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom webinar.

The meetings will focus on the progress of Monroe County’s Roadway Vulnerability Study and Capital Plan, which identified County-maintained roads vulnerable to sea-level rise, identified an evaluation process for ranking them, and recommended a schedule for road adaptation to the year 2045. Various neighborhood roads have been recommended for elevation to address flooding from the impacts of sea-level rise and climate change.

Ideas that may be discussed during these virtual meetings will be brought to the Board of County Commissioners during a regular meeting for further discussion and approval.

The Zoom links for the workshops will be available on the County website calendar,

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