Sidewalk Protest To Continue

Rip-Off Team Lauds New Cosmetics Ordinance

The Key West Rip-Off Rapid Response Team is praising the city of Key West City Commission’s action Tuesday March 5, adding new regulations for local cosmetics businesses.  
Until the new law officially goes into effect, the group plans to continue picketing two cosmetic stores located at 407c Front Street and 518 Duval Street, where they have been protesting for over two months.
“The new city ordinance adds important health and safety regulations and hopefully will improve the stores’ business practices” said Rip-Off Team spokesmen Tevis Wernicoff. “We will continue the sidewalk picketing at two stores until the ordinance is in full effect, the city is enforcing it, and the owners of Gold Empire USA agree to a best business practices consent agreement,” Wernicoff added.
According to a draft of the new law available as of Friday, March 8, the city ordinance for cosmetics businesses contains numerous new provisions designed to protect consumers, including the following four requirements:
1. If the store does not hold a state cosmetology license, the store must display a sign stating: “WE ARE NOT A STATE OF FLORIDA LICENSED COSMETOLOGY OR SPECIALTY SALON.” 
2. The stores may not provide facials or cosmetology services without the required state license.   
3. Store personnel may not touch a customer unless the store holds a state cosmetology license OR first obtains a signed consent form from the customer.  
4. Unless the store holds a state cosmetology license, employees must use sterile disposable gloves and disposable applicators when applying any product to a customer.
Founded in 2014, The Key West Rip-Off Rapid Response Team is a local consumer action group. It has helped recover money for victims of local cosmetics store rip-offs, promoted public awareness of cosmetics scams and staged sidewalk protest in front of Key West cosmetics stores. The group is recruiting new members and can be reached on FaceBook.
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