RESCUE TAILS / Together We Can Do This

If you enjoy reading our Florida Keys SPCA Rescue Tales, it’s probably safe to assume you love animals. We appreciate that, so we are asking for your help to spread the word and assist where you can!!

What’s Happening:

We are a country of pet lovers. Yet we are also a country in crisis when it comes to the number of homeless pets of all species. Shelters, rescues, and sanctuaries across the country are full. Many find themselves with no space and resources to accept new animals. Adoptions are down, intakes are up, and there seems to be a shortage of staff and volunteers everywhere. Both people and animals are struggling!

Though we don’t claim to be experts on this perfect storm affecting animals, a few factors are apparent. Some have solutions within our reach as individuals, others are more global in nature.

Housing costs, housing shortages, and housing pet restrictions have all increased, making it harder for people to keep pets in their homes. Costs of pet care have increased, including food and medical care which have become out of reach for many animal guardians.

Other areas currently contributing to the crisis are :

  • A lack of understanding of animal behavior and innate needs of animals
  • The irresponsible breeding of animals
  •  A human desire for instant gratification
  •  Pets being seen as disposable and a lack of long term commitment

What you can do to help:

  • Take the long view before getting any pet. Learn about their needs and behavior, and carefully consider before making the commitment. Consider the lifespan of the animal and the implications for your future life. Recognize that life with another species is not always easy and may require more work than expected at times. Is this a commitment you are willing to make?
  • Seek available support services within in your community and online to help address the need(s) to help you keep your pet: pet food pantries, behavior resources, vet hospitals
  • Prevent unwanted breeding/spay/neuter
  • Consider becoming a foster parent for a homeless pet or shelter animal
  • Volunteer at your local shelter
  • Donate to pet food pantries at your shelter or local community food banks
  • Be a pet-friendly landlord if you have rental units
  • Support your local shelter to allow them to care for the homeless animals they serve
  • Adopt from your local shelter that is working to reduce the plight of homeless animals in your own community.

The FKSPCA strives to maintain the bond between people and their animals and keep animals in their homes. We do this by offering free behavior counseling, low cost preventative care for cats and dogs, a pet food pantry,  low cost spay and neuter services, and our Safe Haven Program which offers temporary housing for pets belonging to individuals attempting to leave domestic abuse situations.

We are hopeful that by working together and supporting each other, we can turn this crisis into an opportunity for the betterment of animals and us! For more information on ways to help, please email us at [email protected]

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