Rescue Tails / The Promised Land
When Brig came to the Florida Keys SPCA seeking a dog to adopt, immediately we hoped he would find one he liked. Everything about Brig revealed his kind heart. He met Fred, a medium-sized senior dog. Fred was particular about who he liked and who he didn’t. He immediately liked Brig, and the feeling was mutual. They began their new life together, but soon Fred’s selective screening of humans became a problem. He would target those he didn’t like and after more than one concerning incident and months of trying to manage the situation, this tolerant but realistic adopter felt he had no choice but to return Fred to the shelter.
Brig wasn’t ready to adopt again right away. However, a few months later, he stopped in and was instantly smitten with a cute-as-a-button but high octane puppy. Any puppy can be challenging, but this mid-size guy was definitely on the higher end of that spectrum. We weren’t sure going from a senior dog to a puppy was the best idea, but Brig had a fenced yard, a flexible schedule, lots of free time, a kind and patient nature, and a GREAT sense of humor! He was willing to take on the challenge so we said “Let’s do it!”
Post-adoption updates were promising, and several weeks later when he called and asked if he could come by for a visit, we jumped at the chance. Our first question to him as he walked up, his joyful friend bounding ahead, was “How are you doing?” His answer: “My cheeks hurt!” That was a first for us; we had no idea where this was going. He quickly followed with “…from smiling so much.” He loves that puppy! In fact, he said he renamed him Mozes because the puppy has delivered him to the Promised Land! Brig is definitely enjoying the constant companionship and fun that Mozes offers, in spite of chewed shoes and other normal puppy challenges. Mozes has made lots of new friends, including a pretty little Lab puppy named Daisy Mae. Watching puppy play has become a highlight of Brig’s days.
As the two were getting ready to leave, Brig handed us a little piece of paper. On it were written the words “zestful enthusiasm.” He explained he’d come across the phrase while solving a crossword puzzle and said it perfectly described his new best friend! Brig knew he was going to be in for the rollercoaster ride of puppyhood and is handling it with patience and humor, two perfect ingredients for success and a perfect match.
The Florida Keys SPCA strives to create matches that suit both the adopter and the adoptee so both will thrive together. But success depends so much on the expectations of the adopter. The more time, patience, and willingness to work with a dog an adopter can bring to the scenario the better for both the adopter and their new best friend in the making.
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