By Tammy Fox, Executive Director, Florida Keys SPCA

Maybe it was that ever-present look of hopefulness on her face that got us. Maybe it was how she’d only play with her giant red ball when she had an audience. But most likely it was her full-on engagement with life that was so contagious.  Whatever it was, Karmella was a shelter favorite who became loved by all of us.

Our love affair with Karmella happened over time. She was in and out of the shelter more than once through the years.  Each time she went back to her owner but then, in May of 2018 she stayed with us. She was now over ten years old and not a particularly easy dog at first.  She was fearful and powerful, a tough combination. Her skin was bad and needed treatment, yet she resisted any kind of restraint. Putting her in the sink for medicated baths threw her into a panic. But over time, her confidence grew along with our affection for her. Eventually her skin improved, life got easier for her, and we put her up for adoption. Months passed, then more months passed with no one showing serious interest in her.  But in spite of it, Karmella continued to look hopeful every day and continued to view life through her rose-colored doggie glasses.  Unfortunately, we humans weren’t feeling so hopeful. No one was beating down our doors to adopt a soon-to-be eleven-year-old pitbull type dog. Her many friends and fans kept asking “Are there any applications on Karmella?” and we would always have to answer “No, not yet”.

Then, one day after what seemed like forever, we got a surprise phone call! It was from someone who knew Karmella very well, had lived with her years before and even knew her when she was a puppy.  Ashley said she was no longer living in the Keys and had built a life elsewhere, but had learned that Karmella was at the shelter and would like to come get her. We were so thrilled!  It took a few weeks before travel arrangements were in place. During that time, we exchanged information and pictures of Karmella.   Ashley bought new beds, toys, and high quality food for her skin in preparation for the homecoming. We felt assured that Karmella would be living with someone who would love and care for her very much.

On departure day, we packed up Karmella’s familiar blanket, toys, and of course, her big red ball. When Ashley arrived, there was no doubt that Karmella knew her and was overjoyed to see her. After over a year with us, our girl was out of the shelter, in the car, and heading up US 1 to a new life.  Updates have been shared with us since Karmella arrived home. It looks like she’s spending her days playing in the yard, rolling in the grass, cooling off in the kiddie pool, and to top it off, snuggling next to Ashley’s baby son, JR, who appears to be her new best friend and constant companion these days. We are so happy for Karmella and we will be forever grateful to Ashley for the loyalty and commitment she showed to her old friend.

At the FKSPCA, we believe senior dogs are some of the best dogs. We work hard to give older dogs every chance at a new life and stories like Karmella’s remind us that there are good people out there willing to step up and make it happen.

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