Rescue Tails / Holly Berry

By Tara McFarland
With an enormous smile and perfect natural eye liner, Holly was one of the most photogenic dogs at our Marathon Campus. She loved the volunteers and staff alike. She was so sweet and easy going she hardly needed any attention at all! With so many dogs, cats and small animals in our care it’s always a welcome reprieve when we have a girl like Holly that simply just wants to be loved.
Days, weeks and months passed as Holly patiently waited for her family to come. Wonderful families passed through our doors, and in fact, 45 dogs found homes before sweet Holly’s match was made. Although we often receive multiple applications on a single pet, sometimes it just takes one. The right one!
In mid-January Holly’s new mom and dad visited us at our Marathon Campus. They had seen her photo as we shared her big smile over and over on Facebook. They knew she was destined to be their dog, it just took them a little while to admit this fact to themselves. On this day, they made the drive to the shelter with the knowledge and intention that they were bringing her home. Even though they hadn’t actually met her yet, they knew Holly was their dog.
Of course, the meet went perfectly. They were in love with her before they met her, and she fell in love with them. When her new family sent an update it was abundantly clear through their words that they truly couldn’t be happier…
“SHE’S AMAZING!! She’s adjusted well to her new little island home, and is the absolute sweetest thing. Her zoomies are ridiculously hilarious, her little loving personality brings a smile to everyone’s face that she’s met so far. Recently, two of our dearest friends came down with their new one month old baby for a visit. Holly sat down on the couch with mom and baby, and did SO good. No jumping, no craziness.. just laid there and nuzzled them both. Clearly goes to show how the bad reputation that constantly surrounds pitties is completely false We’re loving every minute of learning about her, and will start introducing her to new doggo friends this coming month. Thank you guys for everything that you do! You make SUCH a positive impact, and without you, we wouldn’t have found our Holly Berry!”
It’s our goal to make lifelong matches at both of our Campuses and our educated Adoption Counselors are there to help you find the right pet for your family and lifestyle. Sometimes, our job is simply done for us, and stories like Holly’s just fall into place. If you’re interested in bringing a new furried, scaled or feathered friend into your home and hearts be sure to check out shelters first. Even if we don’t have the pet you’re looking for, our knowledgeable staff can help to point you in the right direction. Visit us in Key West or Marathon or check out our adoptable pets online at
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