By Tara McFarland
Florida Keys SPCA Director of Operations (Marathon Campus)

“Aw he’s so cute!” “He sure is but don’t touch his…. *Grrrrrroooowwwlllll Bark Bark!* …Face.”

Found wandering the streets as an unaltered male, this stray (later named Muppet) was a severely matted mess. He had tangles, burrs and dirt packed tightly to his skin. The discomfort was evident and the little stray was not accustomed to being groomed. We knew it would make him feel so much more comfortable, if only we could get the matts out.

Through kindness and patience of staff at our Marathon Campus we were able to slowly and gently begin shaving away his dirty fur, revealing fleas and raw skin. He gave very clear body language and warnings when it was time to stop. For some, the growl can be a reason they shy away from a dog, or pass on adoption. However, a dog that growls is a dog that is communicating and is often simply showing discomfort! Growling gets a bad reputation, but the dog is just trying to say “please stop doing whatever you are doing to me right now because it is making me so uncomfortable.” Muppet let us know when it was time to stop, and we spent days cleaning and bathing the Shih Tzu mix until he was fresh and clean!

Despite his adorable features and funny personality, it was because of the growl that many adopters passed on adoption. We watched as family after family lost interest when we explained that his new family would have to go slowly, pay attention to his communication, and probably hire a professional groomer!

When Katie and her husband met Muppet, they listened to our adoption counselors and took their time when meeting him. They acknowledged the adjustment period, and put no pressure on Muppet. They knew they would love him, and he would learn to trust and love them back. Now they’re a happy family of three and we couldn’t be happier for Muppet! When bringing any new animal into your home, expect there to be an adjustment period which can last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks to a few months. With love, patience and good communication, if you provide your love, support, and guidance, they will soon realize they really have found their “furrrever home.”

The Florida Keys SPCA has well-trained adoption counselors to help make lifetime matches between families and pets. Our mission is to promote lifelong bonds between people and animals and help pets remain in their homes. To support this goal, we offer free support and education to our community. For more information visit us at

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