Realty ONE Group Brokerages collect Toys for Children of Ukraine
Kuba Jewgieniew the Founder / CEO of Realty ONE Group has requested, via our Realty ONE Group communities, to send Cheer Boxes for the Children of Ukraine. Judy Rossignol the Broker of Realty ONE Group – Engage the Keys says if we get boxes to Kuba, he will personally foot the bill for shipping every single box to Poland !
We ask for anyone interested in donating, to fill a shoebox with love for a child. We suggest a #toy, a note, any gift that’s with a child’s heart. Kuba notes that our little ONEs will live in a future that’s being shaped today. These boxes of cheer can make a difference in the lives of these children!
Give a CHEER BOX IN 3 easy steps:
1. Fill a shoebox
2. Drop it off at a local #RealtyONEGroup location.
3. We will get them to the Realty ONE Group HUB office in Laguna Beach CA.
4. Kuba will ship all shoeboxes to his family in Poland to distribute to refugee children.
Timeframe: Deadline March 9th
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