Public Transit Resumes Under Directive

The City of Key West has issued Directive 2020-10, which provides clear guidelines for the resumption of public transportation.

Buses will begin running on Monday, May 18th with the following measures, which mitigate the exposure and spread of COVID-19. These measures include close adherence to CDC guidelines by practicing social distancing. That means that all passengers must maintain at least one seat of distance between them. Passengers must be seated, and shall avoid sitting within six feet of the bus driver as delineated by floor markings.

Everyone is required to wear facial coverings, which, as in prior directives, can include masks, face shields, gaiters, homemade masks or cloth coverings such as scarves or bandanas.

Public health and safety are of utmost concern. City officials ask that citizens limit bus rides to only essential trips, such as medical needs, groceries, meals and work.

Routes may be changed somewhat from what they were before the current state of emergency. Routes will be available on the buses or at

The community is strongly encouraged to read the directive for specifics at

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