Public invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Bethel AME Church historic marker placement.

Key West Art & Historical Society, Historic Marker’s Tours, Commissioner Clayton Lopez, and Reverend Mildred Roscoe of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church at 223 Truman Avenue invite the public to a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday, February 23rdfrom 1:00pm – 4:00pm to celebrate placement of a Key West Historic Marker plaque on the historic church located in Bahama Village.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate placement of a Key West Historic Marker plaque at Bethel AME Church is set to take place on Saturday, February 23.

“We will also be celebrating our 149thanniversary on Sunday, February 24th, which is a proud benchmark of our spiritual guidance in the community,” says Reverand Mildred Roscoe.

The 1:00 pm ceremony kicks off the historic marker recognition and presentations by Key West Art & Historical Society Executive Director Michael Gieda, Commissioner Clayton Lopez, and Reverend Roscoe followed by refreshments.At 2:00pm, the church will be open for community viewing, and Commissioner Lopez will lead his annual cycle around Bahama Village, spotlighting its historic sites, stories, and interesting trivia.

In addition, the Society welcomes ribbon-cutting attendees to enjoy free admission to the Custom House Museum at 3pm to view their current exhibit “The Key West/ Bahamas Connection” in celebration of the Bahama Village community and heritage.

Established in 1878 and originally located on Duval Street, the church’s existing structure was rebuilt on the corner of Thomas Street and Truman Avenue in 1925 after a fire. The stately building is reminiscent of the Gothic Revival style, with whitewashed masonry walling, twin towers, and pointed-arch stained-glass windows. This will be the 94thmarker out of 121 markers highlighting historic sites in Key West, and one of 7 marker sites located in Bahama Village sponsored by the City of Key West.

“We are delighted to be able to share our history and future with the community,” says Reverend Mildred Roscoe. “Our church is a place where everyone is welcome!”

Donations to the Bethel AME Church are welcome during the ceremony and celebration.

The marker program is part of Key West Historic Marker Tours— a multi-platform, self-guided, free walking tour of Key West’s historic sites founded by historian Bruce Neff to highlight the island’s unique multi-cultural history and heritage and now stewarded by Key West Art & Historical Society.

For more information about the ribbon cutting ceremony, contact Society Director of Education Kristy Callaway at or 305-295-6616 x 115. For more information about Key West Historic Marker Tours, visit or, download the free Key West Historic Marker Tour phone app at, or call 305-507-0300 for a free Key West “Voices of History” phone tour. Sponsored in part by the City of Key West, The Oldest House, Waste Management, and Centennial Bank. Your Museums.  Your Community.  It takes an Island.



A ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate placement of a Key West Historic Marker plaque at Bethel AME Church is set to take place on Saturday, February 23.

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