Protests at City Hall as Trump Arrives in Key West, FL
Protesters gathered outside City Hall in Key West, FL beginning at 11:00am Thursday morning in preparation for President Trump’s visit for a briefing on drug-smuggling interdiction efforts in the Southernmost City.
Donald Trump is the first sitting U.S. President to come to Key West since John F. Kennedy’s visit in 1962.
The protest was organized by the Women’s March Florida Keys and other local organizers but hundreds of residents not involved with the organizations turned out to voice their opinions. The spot chosen for the gathering was along the route planned for the Presidential Motorcade which passed through around 12:30pm. Trump could be seen waving to the protesters from inside the car as he was met with boos and jeers from the crowd.
Photos: One folder all taken by Virginia Wark, one folder all taken by Mark Hedden, third folder uncredited
Attached Video: Women’s March Florida Keys Captain, Natalia Duke, gives a speech
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