Professional Dancers are back for Annual Key West Modern Dance Program!

Artistic Director and Former Principal dancer with the renowned Martha Graham Dance Company, Maurizio Nardi, brings back high-energy iconic modern dance classes to the island with the 6th edition of the program Key West Modern Dance. This year’s roster of artists and faculty members includes Nardi conducting classes on the fundamentals of Martha Graham’s movement vocabulary, Nicole Corea an internationally acclaimed teacher and dancer with the Met Opera and Lar Lubovitch Dance Company who will introduce students to evolving contemporary dance styles and composition, and dance artist Anthony Bocconi from MOMIX and the Met Opera who will teach repertory and Contemporary Ballet classes.
Produced by Merging Ideas Developing Arts Corporation, a Keys-based not-for-profit company conceived by Maurizio Nardi, Key West Modern Dance 2017 returns to the CoffeeMill Dance Studio’s “By The Bay” at 3340 North Roosevelt Blvd. # 2 from Monday, July 24-Saturday, July 29 with 18 open classes including technique, repertory and composition (some accompanied by live music). Nardi says “I had hoped in the past that this project would become a regular appointment with dance here in Key West, it is not an easy task. But I have to thank the dance community of the island that embraced me as a new artist here, and keeps pushing me, so here we are! We are growing, making the program better by including leading professionals from main Modern Dance companies, attracting interested young dancers for a great week of intensive dance study, and to possibly connect this creative process with the already vibrant local arts scene.”
The workshop spans from the technique of Martha Graham, considered the mother of modern dance in America and one of the greatest creative minds of the 20th Century, to the styles of her contemporary descendants. The classes are free for all visual artists interested in painting or sketching the dancers at work, and discounted rates are available for participating dancers with a Monroe County ID. For dancers of ALL levels ages 12 and up (please call if your dancer is younger and would still like to participate). For information and to reserve your space call the CoffeeMill Dance Studio in Key West at (305) 296 9982 or visit the web site
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