By Roger Kostmayer
Last week the commission shelved discussion on this hot Issue. I know there are some disgruntled people concerning the Mall on Duval…. every issue has those for and those against! I happen to be FOR the Mall on Duval. In spite of a few kinks, I think that in time, they will all be ironed out. Almost everyone I have heard from and talked with, LOVE and support the closing of several parts of Duval to car traffic a couple of eves a week. Personally, I actually wish more sections of Duval were closed too… like the 800 section… maybe sections should be rotated. To let this go down the tubes would be a mistake in my humble opinion. It is a work in progress. I support extending the Mall until February. Please support this issue and attend the meeting on Tuesday at City Hall on White St. If you cannot be there please send email messages to the commissioners and voice your support.
Their emails are:
Remember, if you do not speak out and we lose the Mall on Duval, we have only ourselves to blame. We pray that there is strength in numbers and that our commissioners will listen to the people who voted them in!
Thank you. If you do not agree with my way of thinking, know that I respect your opinion whatever that would happen to be …
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