One Human Family Portico

Twenty years ago, the Key West City Commission unanimously adopted “One Human Family” as our official philosophy. The resolution read that “all people are our equals,” and urged growing beyond “the artificial limitations of racism, nationalism, sexism, classism, monotheism, prejudice, homophobia and every other illusion used to separate us from all being equal.”

In 2020, the commission voted to officially name the portico and the bandstand in Bayview Park with the motto.

A sign was installed on the bandstand, and now the portico, too, sports the “One Human Family” motto.
The bandstand was erected in 1990 by then-City Commissioner Sally Lewis, working with State Representative Ron Saunders and the Cultural Affairs Committee, but it was never given a formal name.
The small portico was built in 1924 by a chapter of the Stephen Mallory Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Confederate soldiers.

The One Human Family Pavilion is adjacent to Bayview Park’s beautiful Military Memorials that include a large statue dedicated to Black soldiers who fought for the Union in the Civil War.

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