Officials Updated on COVID-19

Local officials from Monroe County and the municipalities –  as well as hospitals and the military — participated in a conference call with Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell on March 14th for a legislative update regarding the COVID-19 emergency.

During the call, Mucarsel-Powell updated the group on the bill that the House passed in the early hours this morning that will allow funding for resources for testing, effort for containment, and vital health care supplies. She reiterated the importance of communities and individual following the precautions set by the CDC and the Florida Health Department. She also addressed the ways in which the bill proposes to help families and small businesses from the economic repercussions of the epidemic. Mucarsel-Powell had a representative of the SBA outline ways in which that agency is poised to address severe slow-downs in small businesses, including special low interest loans.

On Friday, Key West Mayor Teri Johnston called a special City Commission meeting to discuss the COVID-19 outbreak. The Health Department is warning against large gatherings of people. The City encourages the community to participate in this special meeting by watching it, either live-streamed or on Comcast Channel 77 and AT&T Channel 99. The meeting is being held Wednesday, March 18th at 5 p.m.

In addition, citizens can comment on the issue using the City’s eComment feature. Beginning at 5 p.m. on Sunday, you can go to, click on “Agendas & Minutes” on the homepage, then click the eComment link next to the March 18th agenda. These comments will be received by the Mayor and Commissioners.

As of Saturday, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Monroe County.

For up-to-date information on the status of Monroe County and COVID-19, go to, or In addition, The Florida Department of Health has put up a 24/7 information hotline: 1-866-779-6121.

For more information regarding the bill, contact Congresswoman Mucarsel-Powell’s Washington office 202-225-2778.

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