New Comedy Web Series Shoots in Key West, FL

Dive Shop is shooting on location in Key West at one of the island’s oldest dive shops, Lost Reef Adventures where the show’s creator, Rich Vaughn, and producer, Tom Jackson met 25 years ago. The script is based on memories of their time spent at the shop and living on Key West.

Season one is scheduled to begin shooting early July, 2017.

The show’s comedic action centers around the quirky blend of characters — played by both local and NYC based actors — that work at, associate with, and pass through the shop.

Dive Shop’s storyline pokes fun at stereotypes via its snappy dialogue, while giving the audience an insider’s view of daily life on Key West and the alternative lifestyle it’s famous for. Hand painted bicycles, tropical flora and remote underwater locations provide the backdrop for the antics of Dive Shop to play out.

Writer, Rich Vaughn a former Key West resident who now resides in NYC, and Tom Jackson, a renowned underwater videographer, owner of Seascape Productions and 30 year Key West resident, team up to create this humor-wrapped message of love and equality.

For sponsorship information and to view the show’s promo visit dive shop-the

SHOW INFORMATION                                                 PHOTOS & VIDEO CLIPS: & SPONSORSHIPS

Rich Vaughn                                                                      Nanette Gamache

[email protected]                                             [email protected]

917-893-0780                                                                    203-283-5322

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