Nation’s First Baby Boomer Becomes First-Time Blood Donor

Media Tool Kit Available HERE

(Orlando, Florida, June 10, 2020) She is nationally known as the first baby boomer in the United States, and now Kathy Case-Kirschling is using her notoriety to help spread awareness on the importance of blood donation.

As the nation confronts the coronavirus, 74- year-old Case-Kirschling says she was compelled to board OneBlood’s Big Red Bus to become a first-time blood donor as way to help the community during an unprecedented time.

“I feel as a baby boomer we need to be able to give back and pay it forward, especially at a time like this. I hope many will come because we are a generation of many and the need is great,” said Casey-Kirschling.

Generally healthy people age 16 or older who weigh at least 110 pounds can donate blood. Photo ID is required. To learn more about the importance of blood donation and how donors can target the power of their blood type visit or call 1.888.9.DONATE (1.888.936.6283).

A media tool kit is available HERE and includes soundbites with Kathy Case-Kirschling, her daughter Beth Ann Juel and video of Kathy and her husband donating blood.

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