NARAL Pro-Choice America Endorses Charlie Crist for Congress
Incumbent in Florida’s 13th Congressional District Earns Endorsement from Nation’s Leading Pro-Choice Advocacy Group
NARAL Pro-Choice America today announced its endorsement of Charlie Crist in his campaign for re-election to represent Florida’s 13th Congressional District.“Congressman Crist supports a woman’s right to choose and access reproductive healthcare, including the protections under the Affordable Care Act,” said Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America. “We are endorsing his re-election to Congress because Florida women and families need someone who will stand up to Trump’s anti-healthcare agenda in Congress.”

“I am proud to do my part to protect women’s rights,” said Rep. Crist. “We have to protect women’s access to the affordable healthcare they need, and I’m honored to fight that fight with NARAL.”

As a member of Congress, Crist has voted against overturning the protections of the Affordable Care Act and against a 20-week abortion ban. As Governor of Florida, Crist vetoed an anti-choice ultrasound bill. He grew up in Florida and lives in St. Petersburg.

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